Monday, October 18, 2010

Glamourlicious Giveaway Prizes =)

Last Thursday I got my lovely gifts from Tara's [at Galmourlicious] Giveaway! My mom say the package and immediately asked "what have your ordered now" LOL... I loved all of the items in my package. Thanks Tara for writing the personalized note... My mom is getting a lot better. From time to time things get stressful, but nothing like it was for me us in the summer months. But back to the giveaway prizes; I loved everything!!! Here's some pics of all the items =)

a cute pink clutch; I chose this from Tara's blog sale page

2 bangles; one is silver the other is gold
[the flash makes it hard to see them]

3 pairs of earrings... all 3 are super cute and fit my style! =)

a leopard print painted cup.. not sure what i will put in here yet

on the inside at the bottom it said "Be you"

here are all the items [and the letter in front] that Tara sent me.

1 comment:

  1. I've been asked by my mom the same thing since I'm always ordering stuff online! lol..I like the stuff you won..especially those earrings =)
