Sunday, January 6, 2013

{Sunday Social}

Hello ladies and Happy Sunday!! It's my hope that you all are doing well! During December I was totally slacking on my posts due to my surgery. I'm getting back into full swing now! If you're not familiar with the Sunday Social link-up -- get with it!!!

Sunday Social

This weeks questions
1. Do you plan to change any of your eating habits in the new year? No. I changed my eating habits drastically back in 2011 and I've done pretty well sticking to those good habits. In 2013 I simply want to improve the healthy path I am currently on; after all it wont hurt to add more/new fruits and veggies to my diet!

2. Any workout tips to get us back in shape after the Holidays? Oh gosh, I haven't worked out in months! I definitely want to get back into walking more and take a few yoga or zumba classes this year. Zumba is super fun and doubles as a great workout!!

3. Favorite thing you did over the Holidays? Didn't get depressed?.... In years past I would always get so sad and emotional during December, and more so now that my mom has passed. However,  this year I was okay. Although I'm away from all my family and I stay inside on Christmas Say [watched the Lakers game though!] i was really content with how things were. That's all due to God's grace!

4. What is something you hope that you accomplish in 2013 that you did not in 2012?
See more of what Seattle has to offer. Become more social with co-workers and church friends. I feel like after 5 months I'm getting much more adjusted with living in Seattle and now is the perfect time to  mingle with people and see all that I can!

5. Name 3 things happening this year you are excited about and why:
I don't have too many any plans for the rest of the year mapped out  yet, but here are some things I'd like to do this year.

1. Spend a weekend with my Aunt in Mississippi
2. Visit my cousin and her soon-to-be-born baby girl in Atlanta
3. Do a Breast Cancer walk/run!

if you join the link-up, let me know and I'll check out your post!!

Until next time....


  1. stopping by for sunday social. praising God with you that your holidays were better! i hope this new year holds lots of joy and blessings for you! sounds like you are off to a good start!
