Friday, August 24, 2012

D.I.Y. projects

image from google

About a month or so ago I saw a video on You Tube about how to make your own nail polish rack. Considering I have a slight addiction to nail polish I definitely intend on making my own rack soon. So when I do I will definitely be posting that!!!

I really want to start doing more DIY type projects so i have been reading new blogs scoping out Pinterest and watching YT videos.

Do any of you have any great DIY projects that you like??? All suggestions are welcomed =)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Total Recall..

Even though I'm only 26 years old, I very well remember the 1990 version of Total Recall. I distinctively remember being 5years old and watching it with my family.... and then getting in trouble for cursing like one of the ladies in the movie!! So when I first heard about the remake a few months ago I was worried. More often than not remakes haven't been living up to the original films, especially when there is a 10+ year gap between the two films.

One main thing I noticed about new Total Recall movie is that too often it tried to make references of the original yet it didn't quite fit with the tone of the remake. To me the scenes seems forced as though the remake was trying far too hard to live up to the awesomeness of the original and it simple did not work. The acting wasn't too bad... the plot of the movie made sense to me; my best friend however was confused in the beginning partially due to the fact that she had never seen the original. The beginning kind of started off without much explanation so unless you had see the 90s version, you were for sure going to be a little confused.

So have any of you seen Total Recall?? What did you think?

1990 Version

2012 Version

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Shoe Wish List

So in the last week I have done a LOT of walking around downtown Seattle. During that time I noticed there are dozens of retail shops, and I've peaked inside a few! Now since I have not started working yet it's not a good idea for me to carelessly buy every cute item I see. So what I have decided to do is snap pictures of various cute clothes/shoes that I see or try on.  Below are just a few [or half dozen...] pairs of shoes I'm come across that I absolutely LOVE but really can't afford/don't need to buy right now. Let me know which pair you like best!! And yes I'm aware the tag with my shoe size is visible in many of the pictures... I have pretty long feet *shrug*

black and white plaid flats- ROSS

brown suede flats- ROSS

pink and white plaid flats- ROSS

Cheetah print rain boots!!! - Macy's

Coral heels, its prob 3 inch heel - Macy's

Lace/ cream color heel- Macy's

sequin with flower detailed flats- ROSS

gray flats- ROSS

silver/glitter heels. After looking at them again
they look a little cheap but they were cute! - Macy's

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Home Sweet Home?

So I've been in Seattle now for 5 days and I'm liking it! The weather has been perfect despite all the "It rains a lot!" warning I got before I moved. I leave the boiling Lone Star State while it was in the high 90s and came north west to high 70s- mid 80s!!! I'll take that! Me and my roommate/best friend have done some sight seeing, went to one of the nearby malls, and in true tourist fashion i HAVE been taking pics :-D

Or apartment is nice... close to downtown, and right next door to a 24hour fitness [hello hot guys]!!! The more I venture into the city and do more sight-seeing I'll be sure to post it all here. 'Til then.. later!

Pike Place Farmer's Market -- way bigger than the FMs in Los Angeles

The original Starbucks! [Seattle was the birthplace to Starbucks]

The infamous Space Needle. Soon I'll take a trip to the top of that bad boy!